Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Mystery of friendship - What makes friends to enter into friendship?

Friendship is really an unexplainable unpredictable phenomenon. What makes people to become friends?. Why we need friendship with whom we don't know. What makes friends to desperately try for friendship with a person who is not showing interest in friendship? Why suddenly friendship dies and ends. How a Good friend of today changes to Bad enemy of ours. What makes a person to make you feel comfortable with. What makes friends to be as close friends.

For the above questions There is a lot of answers from various view points. The answer differ from one friend to another. but All gives some same answer.

We have seen a lot of friendship which is very close and with lot of mutual understanding. On the other hand there is some friendship which will start and finishes within some days or months. What made these friends friendship to end. This is the mystery of friendship. Some friendships may end to marriage also. There is a lot of written proof and also practical proofs for friendships.

In common all friends who are interested and having deep friendship have a true heart, having mutual understanding with each other. Honest, trust worthy with others. Is these qualities are enough for friendship. Some friends have friendship with persons who never belive in anything and careless. What made them to be friends. Is that above said characters or any more.

Friendship is also like Love between a young guy and a girl. We don't know when love comes to our heart. once it enters the heart after that nothing in this world is known to us. True Love never see anything other than heart. is that is same for friendship. Friends say that he is cool, understanding others, making friend to feel comfortable so we are friends. How this is happened. it is another mystery of friendships.
Can you tell me an answer for these questions friend. If you are interested in shareing about these questions please contact us with your experience and what makes you to feel like friends for ever.
Can you break the mystery of friendship between two singles or couples.


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