Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Eating a Big Mac and Drinking a Beer in the form of Smoke through a straw

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to wolf down a Big Mac by simply inhaling a cloud of smoke?
From the same Harvard professor that brought us breathable, lipstick-sized chocolate inhalers, comes an even more bizarre contraption. David Edwards has released a breathable smorgasbord of foods, which emanate from a gold fish-like bowl, which users suck in via a straw.
Now try to wrap your head around that!
“Le Whaf” transforms specially-prepared liquidized food essences into a cloud of tiny droplets, which is then digested through a straw in the form of smoke.
Professor Edwards is adamant that this smoky little bowl will go on sale in France this autumn for less than $135 (£85) and quickly catch on around the world.
Dr. Edwards envisions a day when we’ll be able to go to restaurants and literally inhale entire meals and alcoholic beverages as well (did you say alcohol). Strong drinks like whisky work particularly well with the machine, he says; you can pour a small amount directly inside, without the need to first convert them into crystal form.
Count me in, now I can drink as much beer as I want with fewer trips to the can!
Edwards also claims that ten minutes of inhaling produces only 200 calories, and purportedly satisfies cravings.


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