Monday, February 7, 2011

Lindsay Lohan Faces Theft Charges

Lindsay Lohan has found herself on the wrong side of the law again. This time Lohan has been accused of stealing a necklace worth $2500 from Kamofie & Co. The Los Angeles custom jewelery store reported the necklace stolen on Jan 22. It’s only been a month since the actress completed three months in rehab at the Betty Ford center.
It has been reported that prosecutors have decided to file charges against Lohan. There is apparently surveillance footage from the jewelery store showing Lohan wearing the necklace.
Lindsay is claiming that the necklace was on loan and that it’s all a misunderstanding. But that seems pretty hard to believe and the store have stated that when they loan out jewelery nothing leaves the store until all the paperwork and insurance papers are complete. Lindsay will have a hard time talking her way out of this one.


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